Sunday 20 September 2015


Dark spots! A serious beauty spoiler. Dark spots can drag ones self esteem to the lowest point if not put in check. In as much as most people hide thier black spots under coats and layers of high definition (HD) powder,concealer and foundation, the moment they clean that face. BAM!! Reality check. At this point i give the credit to innovative and creative minds that invented make up for flawless perfection. For me the joy is still not complete if i am not seeing my face spotless because some days you will not just be in the mood to wear all them make up. You might just want to keep it simple and cute.
                 No one feels confident and happy enough when they have black spots all over thier face. :( . The most annoying black spots are the ones left behind by acne...well not to worry i have good simple and radiantly helpful remedies and recipes for you. ;) get ready to have your complete glam on. *giggle*Heeheehehhe
                 Now first things first,you have to wash your face three times(3x) or at least twice a day (morning and night). This is very important if you want to reduce free radicals that aid spots to remain permanent or do i have to say more?
                  Secondly, if you are prone to acne, you will need to break the pinching and peeling habit. If you have to press ur face ensure that you are carrying out the proper routine with clean hands. Never pinch or peel acne as this will only make the scar and spot very difficult to eliminate or even permanent. I am not going to elaborate more on this black spot issue as my hyperpigmentation recipe  "STUBBORNPIGMENTATION" will help eliminate blackspot perfectly. I am just giving tips to aid in proper treatment of black spot.
                     More so, while treating acne and black spots, avoid foundation! The response i get whenever i say this to anyone who is asking for my advice on how to treat acne and eliminate black spots makes me laugh all the time. They go, "wow! How do you expect me to go around with black spots all over my face?". I mean i get the embarassment but the truth is you cannot! I repeat, you cannot get rid of black spots if you continue to clog your facial pores.
                     Finally, before i rest my case. One mistake most people make is expecting spots to disappear in one night. This expectation is why most people switch from one product or treatment to another. You gotta chill!! At least be patient for 28 days while using a product, be it natural or synthetic. I will be posting more recipes for reducing and eliminating black spot soon. Fingers crossed. Stay radiant! ;)


Hello beauties, mmmph! It feels so good to be back! I have this big smile on my face and you guys put it right there. I have not been posting, yet my view crowd has increased tremendously. Thank you so much guys. We are sure going higher beauties, phoebe radiance have got new effective radiance recipes for you all.
            so how have you been treating that body? Do you get enough sleep? Do you carry out routines that are beneficial to your body and blood circulation? These questions  brings us to the point at the moment. Do you know that 7 out of every 10 males or females, have dark eye circles? Having dark eye circles only tells that one has neglected their entire body system. Dark eye circles is a way the skin signals one that it needs  attention.
             Now, lack of sleep causes blood vessels to dilate, causing  the look of dark circles. There are other causes of dark circles;
        -Mental or physical stress
        -Excessive dryness
        -Unhealthy diet
        -Use of harsh chemicals around the
           the eye

Treating dark eye Cirlcles;
               Get enough sleep. When is enough really enough? When you no longer feel tired. Not everyone requires the same  amount of sleep. Get the amount of sleep your body needs. If your body doesn't  respond to sleep when you have time to sleep, don't  worry, just keep your fingers crossed as i will be sharing tips and tricks to find sleep.
                 Eliminate anything that gives you stress mentally or physically. Set your priorities right. Not everyone can be a superman or superwoman. Do what you can at a given time. Always remember to take a break, chill, breathe and carry on. Do one thing at a time. If you feel overwhelmed, break up your list of tasks into bite size pieces. Stress will make you look older. As it forces your skin collagen  to break and loose elasticity easily. Stress kills! Need i say more?
                   Eat right, eat more fruit. Outer beauty will only appear when you have practiced beauty within. Vitamin C is always very present in most fruits this aids in fading dark circles. Eat apples, they don't call them love apples for nothing. Eat more tomatoes for potassium and vitamin A.
                 Moisturising is one very important tip to include in your routine. Excessive dryness causes ageing and all the dull appearance of the skin  that comes with it. Now, night time is the best time to moisturise, as you will have to retire to your bed, get some sleep. At this time your skin and your whole body, goes into repair mode. It so absorb all the moisture and keeps it locked in.
                   Avoid the use of harsh chemicals around the eye. When doing your facials, avoid applying your cosmetic products on the eye circles. There are very mild products  that are used for the eye circles, but i will recommend you go all natural  when dealing with your eye circles. Below are good recipes used to fade dark eye cirlcles;

-peel and slice half cucumber
-peel and chop one potato (Irish)
-crush them together to make a paste
-press the paste on a sieve to extract juice
- Dip cotton pads in the juice, place them on ur eyelids, making sure they cover the entire dark patch.
-leave for 15-20 minutes and wash gently.

Using tomato, lemon juice, tumeric powder, and gram flour:
-Crush 1tomato ( press it on a sieve to    extract juice)
-Add half tsp of lemon juice (you can extract it yourself)
-Add a pinch of tumeric powder
-Add 2tsp gram flour and mix properly  for a homogeneous  mixture
- Apply on dark circles
-Wash it off after 15 minutes.
Remember not to carry out these routines if you are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients.
                   Do you feel stressed and need to talk to feel better? Do you need some more clarity on all i have shared? Would you be needing a facial routine? Do you need someone to prescribe good skin care prouducts for you to look more radiant?
You can call +2348175765922 or send an email to
And yes! A mobile spa is available. ( to only those in lagos Nigeria for now pls. Thanks. Bye for now.

Wednesday 16 July 2014


Hello guys! :D...i know! I know! I have been MIA. Well, some personal stuffs took me off. Never the less my lovelies, hope you ve been keeping it  radiant? ;). Let's get down to business. Hmm something recently caught my attention. A lot of women are battling seriously with this very self esteem impeding skin problem. I noticed that every five women i come across in a day, 3 at least have this dark patch around the eyes or just one the corner of the eye. This is hyperpigmentation at its best. One self esteem killer. One that makes women hide thier skin under layers of foundation and concealer just to feel confident. I could go on and

                 I think what get's to me the most is the whole misconception about hyperpigmentation than the hyperpigmentation itself. A lot of people believe it is as a result of bleaching and can only be your problem if you are light skinned. I totally disagree. I carried out my own research on hyperpigmentation too and guess what! A lot of dark skinned people have it too. The only thing is that its not that noticeable when its little on a dark skin. Hyperpigmentation occurs as a result of skin defence mechanism. The skin secretes melanin whenever it feels threatened by damage of any sort. Well this post is to profer solution and corrrect the whole misconception. The following  are some causes of hyperpigmentation;

*Too much exposure to the sun/ ultra violet rays.
*Use of harsh chemicals on the skin (this may any substance that doesnt go well with ur skin type).
*Stress. Oh yes! Stress strains the skin and cause it to age faster. So you need to relax.
*Smoking. I don't have to explain what smoken does to the collagen in ur skin right? Cause we are all aware but still smoke anyways.
           No lies, on my road to finding an effective treament for hyperpigmnentation, i discovered that hyperpigmentation is the most stubborn skin patch to eliminate, as it is caused by a natural skin protection mechanism. Let me not bore you with all them experiment talks. Long story short, after all the very expensive and time consuming therapies i tried the most effective is actually very simple and not even time consuming. But the question is can you be faithful and patient enough? Well, just follow my lead.

       To treat hyperpigmentation, all you need to do is get the following;
*1bottle of honey
*1pack/tin of powdered milk (full cream is prefered).
Thats all you need. Easy to get right? I know :D. You might be thinking a bottle of honey and a pack/tin of milk is too much, but no. You will have to be consistent.

* Pour little amount of milk on ur palm,
*Add 4 drops of honey to it,
*Add few drops of water and mix till you get a homogenous paste.
*Apply paste immediately to the affected area around the eye. You can leave this facial mask on the face as long as you want but not less than 15minutes.
*Rinse off with warm water and you are good to go.
         This recipe works for all skin types. Do this and watch that very embarassing dark patch disappear. Cheers! :D. Stay radiant!!!

Saturday 19 April 2014


       Hello!!!, :). My very faithfuls! This article may seem like i'm digressing from our usual but no. Remember i'm here to give tips on how to achieve flawless beauty :D. This blog entails all that can improve beauty from the inside to your very alluring physical appearance. Through all my studies on how to serve you best, i realised that no matter the number of articles i write, giving several recipes on how to attain a flawless skin, no doubt a flawless skin improves ones self esteem but it's not complete if one is broken on the inside.
             A lot of people, who you would assume "have it all" with regards to only that which the eye sees are broken on the inside. You dont need to have it all in life to be complete neither do you have to be poor to be broken. There are many people driving in a porsche, sitting in a hot tub and contemplating sucide. Pro football players, models, actors and chief executive officers are at thier wit ends. Most are stressed and empty, hurting and vulnerable.

                Lots of men and women out there are on a quest for perfection which i must say is very toxic. Nothing has to be perfect. Take a break! someone inside needs to be heard and be filled with affection. Attend to you, your soul, your heart,you need fixing! This you i'm talking about is the broken impoverished you that have been suppressed with a fake smile, successful career and all the perishable good things of life which you will leave behind one day.

                   Dear woman; i know you have been hurt a countless number of times that you feel your broken heart can never be mended and become whole again. Being broken or hurt is not necessarily the result of a broken relationship. It could be the abuse as a young girl child which you suffered. It could be the strong negative words planted in you by loved ones who you look up to. Yes,i know! But you have to let go. Forgive, dust yourself and look all these negativity in the face and say "i will go on".

                      You have built this very concrete wall around the broken pieces of your heart not to let it go ever again. But life doesnt work that way because your broken soul still has a negative effect on you that steals the light of feminity from ur eyes. You have to let yourself heal and in order to adjust, you have to let your vulnerability show. It took a longtime before i realised that i should be able to show emotions and sometimes i would let myself be vulnerable just to feel real emotions. You will have to learn to forgive others and most importantly forgive urself (as many would take it out on themselves for making mistakes), the truth is you are born to make mistakes and not to fake perfection with a broken soul.

                 Women are a valuable and indespensable part of God's plan. A broken woman will always make a broken home if she doesn't heal before taken in as a man's wife. A whole woman! In bed she is sensual; in prayer she is spiritual; in business she is shrewd. She is resourceful, vibrant woman with ingenuity and self esteem. She is complete. My point exactly is no matter how beautiful and flawless you appear physically, if you are impoverished on the inside, you will still not be so attractive.Yes! Because as ironic as it is, even the broken man wants a whole woman. He wants something from her which he does not posses himself. Ah, the double standards of the law of attraction are so unfair, yet it is true. Know this; a man, friends, power,success and sex cannot fill this void you feel as a broken woman. Look for God. Yes, you may not call him what i call him but he is the absolute of all you need to be whole again. He can be anyhow you want and need him. ;).

                   Dear man, i love your strong masculinity. I love your sense of wanting to protect and provide for your woman. Words cannot express how women adore you. You hide so much beneath all the responsbilties placed on you by nature and God. Beneath the shinning armour is a soul that longs to be touched, that seeks loyalty,that seeks to be loved even when your emotions and flaws are obvious. You want to be hugged and still be assured of love and loyalty and not seen as weak. You are broken and lonely. You are on a continous quest to find wholeness, to be complete. I'm not just speaking to the single man. I'm also speaking to the man that is lost in his his relationship or marriage. Who cannot even let his vulnerability show to his patner. Most men because of these void flip from one woman's bed to another all in the search for satisfaction. But i tell you sex, money and power will never give you that satisfaction. You have to learn to communicate your need and weakness its okay to be vulnerable sometimes. I know many men have been robbed just because they let thier guard down. But it is no use to remain vague all to protect you. You do not have to remain outwardly successful and impoverished just because you have been robbed of optimism. I understand that you have become hard to convince so you trust no one. But hey let your guard down not to the devil but to feel real love and the grace of God. So dare to love, find your path through mistrust and betrayal and mend your broken soul again! Peace.
                Still wondering why i wrote this particular post? Well, its simple. A beautiful soul allows a flawless skin glow extraordinarily.Thanks :D.


       Hello!!!, :). My very faithfuls! This article may seem like i'm digressing from our usual but no. Remember i'm here to give tips on how to achieve flawless beauty :D. This blog entails all that can improve beauty from the inside to your very alluring physical appearance. Through all my studies on how to serve you best, i realised that no matter the number of articles i write, giving several recipes on how to attain a flawless skin, no doubt a flawless skin improves ones self esteem but it's not complete if one is broken on the inside.
             A lot of people, who you would assume "have it all" with regards to only that which the eye sees are broken on the inside. You dont need to have it all in life to be complete neither do you have to be poor to be broken. There are many people driving in a porsche, sitting in a hot tub and contemplating sucide. Pro football players, models, actors and chief executive officers are at thier wit ends. Most are stressed and empty, hurting and vulnerable.

                Lots of men and women out there are on a quest for perfection which i must say is very toxic. Nothing has to be perfect. Take a break! someone inside needs to be heard and be filled with affection. Attend to you, your soul, your heart,you need fixing! This you i'm talking about is the broken impoverished you that have been suppressed with a fake smile, successful career and all the perishable good things of life which you will leave behind one day.

                   Dear woman; i know you have been hurt a countless number of times that you feel your broken heart can never be mended and become whole again. Being broken or hurt is not necessarily the result of a broken relationship. It could be the abuse as a young girl child which you suffered. It could be the strong negative words planted in you by loved ones who you look up to. Yes,i know! But you have to let go. Forgive, dust yourself and look all these negativity in the face and say "i will go on".

                      You have built this very concrete wall around the broken pieces of your heart not to let it go ever again. But life doesnt work that way because your broken soul still has a negative effect on you that steals the light of feminity from ur eyes. You have to let yourself heal and in order to adjust, you have to let your vulnerability show. It took a longtime before i realised that i should be able to show emotions and sometimes i would let myself be vulnerable just to feel real emotions. You will have to learn to forgive others and most importantly forgive urself (as many would take it out on themselves for making mistakes), the truth is you are born to make mistakes and not to fake perfection with a broken soul.

                 Women are a valuable and indespensable part of God's plan. A broken woman will always make a broken home if she doesn't heal before taken in as a man's wife. A whole woman! In bed she is sensual; in prayer she is spiritual; in business she is shrewd. She is resourceful, vibrant woman with ingenuity and self esteem. She is complete. My point exactly is no matter how beautiful and flawless you appear physically, if you are impoverished on the inside, you will still not be so attractive.Yes! Because as ironic as it is, even the broken man wants a whole woman. He wants something from her which he does not posses himself. Ah, the double standards of the law of attraction are so unfair, yet it is true. Know this; a man, friends, power,success and sex cannot fill this void you feel as a broken woman. Look for God. Yes, you may not call him what i call him but he is the absolute of all you need to be whole again. He can be anyhow you want and need him. ;).

                   Dear man, i love your strong masculinity. I love your sense of wanting to protect and provide for your woman. Words cannot express how women adore you. You hide so much beneath all the responsbilties placed on you by nature and God. Beneath the shinning armour is a soul that longs to be touched, that seeks loyalty,that seeks to be loved even when your emotions and flaws are obvious. You want to be hugged and still be assured of love and loyalty and not seen as weak. You are broken and lonely. You are on a continous quest to find wholeness, to be complete. I'm not just speaking to the single man. I'm also speaking to the man that is lost in his his relationship or marriage. Who cannot even let his vulnerability show to his patner. Most men because of these void flip from one woman's bed to another all in the search for satisfaction. But i tell you sex, money and power will never give you that satisfaction. You have to learn to communicate your need and weakness its okay to be vulnerable sometimes. I know many men have been robbed just because they let thier guard down. But it is no use to remain vague all to protect you. You do not have to remain outwardly successful and impoverished just because you have been robbed of optimism. I understand that you have become hard to convince so you trust no one. But hey let your guard down not to the devil but to feel real love and the grace of God. So dare to love, find your path through mistrust and betrayal and mend your broken soul again! Peace.
                Still wondering why i wrote this particular post? Well, its simple. A beautiful soul allows a flawless skin glow extraordinarily.Thanks :D.

Saturday 5 April 2014


Tomatoes are BEAUTIFUL!! :D. Note that i spelt beautiful in capital letters :D. I am so excited and confident to share this recipe for preparing a proper tomato mask as it is miraclous:D. During all my skin treatment researches using natural God given substances which are very active in improving the conditions of the skin. I have gotten extremely good results and extremely bad ones too. But one of the amazing thing is that at the times my results were not so cool i still found ways to reverse the bad results and restore my skin back to exactly how i want it.
           Tomatoes are one of my magic fruits. Yea they are. They are magical because of thier very wonderful and effective benefits when eaten or applied topically. The application of tomato paste/juice topically helps in the elimination of acne. Hold up!  Don't go thinking you have tried it all and your acne ain't vanishing. The question is, how faithful and patient were you while treating your acne? I'm not gonna give the acne attitude lecture. Not today. Tomato mask benefits includes tightening of open pores, treating of sunburn, balancing the pH of the skin and most of all gives you a wonderful skin stone despite your skin colour. Have you ever wondered why tomatoes still retain thier colour inspite of any weather condition they are exposed to? Tomatoes are my own super food too. As much nutrients and antioxidants it provides when consumed is the same as that which it will provide when applied topically on the skin. Its health benefits are innumerable.

            You would agree with me that most men and women battle with sun burn and hyperpigmentation in some parts of thier body especially on the face,which they find very embarassing. Though there are so many concealers foundations and powders that one can use to cover them up temporarily, it still affects one's self esteem.  As much there are so many make overs, sometimes you just want to look all natuaral and be confident, and have no sun burn or hyperpigmentation patch on you face to worry about. Getting sun burn or hyperpigmentation is not just by using creams which is the first tjing that comes to mind the moment u see those dark patches on someone' s face. Foundations and powders with heavy metals contained in them can cause hyperpigmentation. If you decide not to use any form of cosmetic on your skin and go bare, your skin can still get burnt on exposure to your surrounding. Utraviolet rays from thw sun is no respecter of the skin no matter what you apply on your skin. I could go on and on but to cut my very long story short, this post will be most beneficial to people who intend to make thier hyperpigmentation vanish, make sun burn scars disappear, reduce acne bumbs, reduce fine wrinkle lines on the face and give thier face a perfect radiant tone :D. So relax and enjoy one of my best skin repair recipes.

           Here my darlings are the things you will need to make this perfect cheap and less time consuming  facials.;)... You will need;

*1 medium-size ripe tomato.
*1 handful of green beans (you can skip if you have allergy).
*1tbsp of powder milk (butter milk)

(1). Slice the tomato and place the chunks in a small cooking pot. You can skip the boiling part and just blend it directly. Any method works perfect. The natural acids found in tomatoes make a gentle natural astringent, helping to clean the pores. Tomatoes are so rich in antioxidants which help regenerate skin, giving your face a healthy and younger look.

(2). Add a handful of green beans to the pot and cook untill soft. Green beans are high in zinc, a vitamin which is known to heal damaged skin (hyperpigmentation).

(3). If using the boiling method, mash the tomatoes and green beans until smooth (you can blend). Add one tbsp of sour milk or butter milk. The lactic acid found in sour cream or butter milk will soothe and soften dry, itchy skin. Milk acts as a moisturising ingredient while at the same time tightening wrinkle and refining pores.

(4). The best part! :D. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply the still warm face mask evenly to your face and neck and allow to sit for 20 minutes. Gently rinse the mask off with warm water and path dry with a towel. Finish! Very simple. Well pretty hurts if you want a perfect skin,give it time;). Stay fresh and remain radiantly beatiful :* cheers!

Thursday 13 February 2014


Did you know...that a baby's foot is made up of almost entirely of cartilage? They will harden as the feet grow. Many people i know have issues with the appearance of thier feet. They say you can always tell a woman's age and all the places she has been to by looking at her feet...hahahaha. This is total misconception well packaged. For this reason (false) women use all sort of foot and hand creams which i feel will cause more harm on the long run than good.why spend money on perfumed foot and hand creams?... Don't answer that... I will share some cool less stressful tips for complete elimination of ugly feet issues. Fingers crossed :D.
               For your feet to look less wrinkled and youthful,,,pausefirst! Ugly feet has nothing to do with age, if you dont take care of your feet,it will look old and wrinkled...some of these tips might seem old fashioned to some of you but who cares if one gets the required stress free result? I am old fashioned like that. lol.
*Firstly, keep a pumice stone handy so you can put it to what it does best on those heels as you step out of the shower.

*use few drops of essential oil when having a foot bath!

*pamper your feet and watch it look youthful everyday. Treat yourself with a pedicure. You don't even need to wait till you go to a beauty home  to have a proper pedicure. You can use my old fashion method (yea call me old fashion) with just hot water, salt and soap solution :D. Allow your feet to soften by dipping it into the solution and allowing it to absorb the solution for about 10 - 15minutes,then scrub with your pumice stone.Appreciate the supple and radiant result of a youthful looking feet.

*Try a foot massage every night (not necessarily). This is not vain but relaxing and rejuvenating. It doesnt cost much,you can massage your feet with just shea butter (ori) every night and enjoy the long term beauty and healthy benefits. Everyone wins :D.

*If your ankles and feet are swelling, its a sure sign of you holding fluids.Try to avoid sitting for long periods, cut down your salt intake as this has other health benefits. Try walking a distance everyday.

*stilettos are beautiful and yes they do make you look sexy, however you should avoid long walks while you have them on. Infact i call stilettos "expensive arthritis".lol.               One should always wear sensible shoes. Ha! Fat chance,right? Seriously what about a compromise? Wear sensible shoes when you are coming and/or going from work and keep the heels in a tote bag...

*One of the tricks i used in treating my extremely dry feet... I would lather on a layer of cocoa buttet or shea butter to each foot, slipping my feet into little nylon bags and pull on a pair of oversize socks. Leave on overnight while sleeping and when awaken the next morning my feet will feel smooth silky and soft. Who has time for old fashion stuffs? When you can buy a good feet cream? The question is, does it heal your dried feet or just gives you a temporary comfort? Why not solve the problem once and for all even if it's using an old fashion method and save money. Hehehehh...

*Finally add milk to a foot bath for softening the feet...
           If you have any questions send an email, There is also a group on facebook: beautylovers by phoeberadiance...cheers!